GMercyU’s campus is monitored by 16 security officers, at least three on duty, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can give us a call, stop by our office in St. Brigid Hall or use one of the various emergency call boxes on campus.

For emergencies: 215-641-5522 ext. 21111

For non-urgent matters: 215-646-7300, ext. 21522

Emergency call boxes are strategically located across campus to provide immediate response by Public Safety and Security 24 hours a day.

University GMercyU LIVE SAFE APP

LiveSafe is a free personal mobile application for Gwynedd Mercy University students, staff, faculty and visitors to engage with Gwynedd Mercy University Public Safety and Security Department.

With LiveSafe, you can use your cell phone as a personal security device that allows direct access to Public Safety, police, emergency location sharing and quick tips, and a peer-to-peer Safe Walking tool.

To help keep our campus a safe and secure place, we work closely with campus departments and student groups. You can help us keep GMercyU a safe environment by:

  • Becoming familiar with the University Community
  • Reading the Student Handbook, Faculty Handbook, Employee Handbook, and the UPDATE for details on all security procedures (all found on the GMercyU portal)
  • Taking appropriate precautions to minimize potential risks

如有必要,公共安全部门将与下格温内德警方或州警察合作,对可能违反当地或州法律的行为作出反应. Any criminal incident is reported to state and local police. All such reports are fully investigated in cooperation with police authorities. Public Safety and Security personnel neither carry weapons nor have arrest powers, but work with the police in the event that an arrest is warranted.

Important GMercyU Public Safety Resources

For your safety, all students are required to provide and regularly update their emergency contact information. It will only take you a minute, and it will help us quickly reach someone on your behalf in the event of an emergency.

Simply log into your Self-Service account and follow these instructions.

You can link directly to Self-Service by clicking here.

请注意:未更新紧急联系信息的学生将无法注册未来的课程. Each student will need to provide two emergency contacts.

Public Safety will assist students, faculty, and staff with entry to buildings on campus after hours.

All classrooms and essential building are opened at 6 a.m. and close and 11 p.m.

If you need access to a building after hours, or if you have forgotten your keys to a building, call Security at 215-646-7300, ext. 21522 and an officer will be dispatched to the specified location.

Please be prepared to show the officer your GMercyU ID or another form of identification (driver's license), if your Gwynedd Mercy University identification is not available.

The computer labs in Keiss and St. Bernard Halls cannot be opened by the officer without prior approval from the IT department.

Also, if you received assistance from a security officer to enter a building, please remember to call Security at 215-646-7300, ext. 21522 when you leave the building.

See the Anti-Hazing Report (PDF), posted December 20, 2023.

珍妮·克莱里披露校园安全政策和校园犯罪统计法案(克莱里法案)要求格温内德仁慈大学向学生和员工提供有关其安全政策和程序的信息,以及针对某些犯罪事件的具体统计数据, 逮捕和纪律处分,并根据要求向未来的学生和员工提供信息和统计数据.

值得注意的是,根据州和联邦法律,高校必须提供统计数据的犯罪分类是不同的. Statistics for certain crime classifications might appear to be different.

The crime statistics reported under the Jeanne Clery Act include the following:

  • Criminal homicide: Murder, Non-negligent manslaughter
  • Sex offenses: Forcible Rape Sodomy, Sexual assault with an object, Fondling, Non-forcible
  • Incest Statutory rape
  • Robbery
  • Aggravated Assault
  • Burglary
  • Motor Vehicle Theft
  • Arson

Hate Crimes
法律要求按偏见类别公布摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站前一节所列各种犯罪类别中仇恨犯罪的发生情况的统计数字,以及由于实际或被认为是种族而选择受害者的涉及伤害任何人身体的其他犯罪的统计数字, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or disability of the victim.

In August of 2008, 高等教育机会法修改了上述仇恨犯罪,在仇恨犯罪类别下增加了以下罪行:

  • Larceny-Theft: The unlawful taking, carrying, leading, or riding away of property from the possession, or constructive possession, of another.
  • Threats: 恐吓(包括跟踪)通过使用威胁性言语和/或其他行为非法地使他人处于对身体伤害的合理恐惧之中, but without displaying a weapon or subjecting the victim to actual physical attack
  • Vandalism: To willfully or maliciously destroy, damage, deface, 或者未经所有者或保管或控制该财产的人的同意,以其他方式损害实物或个人财产
  • Simple Assault: An unlawful physical attack by one person upon another where neither the offender displays a weapon, nor the victim suffers obvious severe or aggrieved bodily injury involving apparent broken bones, loss of teeth, possible internal injury, severe laceration, or loss of consciousness

法律要求对校园以外的扩大区域进行统计,并要求这些统计数据以特定的地理类别显示. (请注意,在校内住宿类别中显示的事件也包括在校园*类别中显示的统计数据中.)

The following statistics are provided in compliance with the specific time periods, crime classifications, geographic categories, and arrest data mandated by federal law.

Click here to view the entire 2022 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report (PDF).

Definitions of terms found within the Clery Act:

Campus -高等教育机构拥有或控制的任何建筑物或财产,在该机构的同一合理连续的地理区域内,直接支持, or in a manner related to the institution’s educational purposes, 包括宿舍楼或任何在该机构内或与该机构合理相邻并由该机构拥有但由他人控制的财产, is frequently used by students, and supports institutional purposes (such as food or other retail vendor).

Non-Campus Building or Property -由大学或大学认可的学生组织拥有或控制的任何建筑物或财产,以及由高等教育机构拥有或控制的任何建筑物或财产(分校除外),用于直接支持, or in relation to, the institution’s educational purpose, is frequently used by students, and is not within the same reasonably continuous geographic area of the institution. Gwynedd Mercy University does not have any Non-campus Buildings or Property as defined.

Public Property - All public property that is within the campus or immediately adjacent to and assessable from the campus, such as a sidewalk, a street, other thoroughfares, or parking facility.

The Office of Public Safety maintains a combined Daily Crime and Fire Log of all incidents reported. This includes all crimes, fire-related incidents, and other serious incidents that occur on campus, including areas jointly patrolled by the Lower Gwynedd Police Department, in non-campus buildings or properties, on public property immediately surrounding the campus.

Find these details in the 2022 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report (PDF).

Omnilert is a selective mass notification system that sends time-sensitive messages to students, faculty, and staff wherever you are located. The University will only send mass notification in the event of weather and campus emergencies. You will not receive general notices via this delivery method.

Sign up for the University’s Emergency Alert system by clicking the omnilert.pngicon on the University portal. You will be notified immediately of events on the device you select to be notified by. You may input up to two mobile devices and two personal email addresses.

Campus closure information will also be posted to the University website. You can also call the main telephone number at 215-646-7300.

See GMercyU's Emergency Manual (PDF).

Public Safety and Security Contact Numbers

  • Emergency Number: ext. 1111
  • Non-Emergency Number: 215-641-5522, ext. 21522
  • Director of Public Safety and Security: 215-542-5785, ext. 21785
  • Switchboard: ext. 0
  • Director of Counseling Services: 215-641-5571, ext. 21571
  • Counselor: 215-646-7300, ext. 21427
  • Director of Resident Life: 215-641-5585, ext. 21585
  • Associate Director of Resident Life: 215-646-7300, ext. 21460
  • Director of Human Resources: 215-646-7300, ext. 21250
  • Health and Wellness Center: 215-646-7300, ext. 21486
  • Student Services: 215-641-5546, ext. 546; 215-641-5555, ext. 21555
  • Montgomery County Crime Victims Center: 610-277-5200
  • Lower Gwynedd Township Police Department: 215-646-5300
  • Title IX Coordinator: 215-646-7300, ext. 21140

*Please note: you must first dial 9 on campus to obtain an outside line.

宾夕法尼亚学院和大学安全信息法案要求向学生和员工公布犯罪统计数据和犯罪率. 该费率是根据根据国家规定的公式计算的全日制等效(FTE)学生和雇员的实际人数计算的.

See all details in the 2022 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report (PDF).

Gwynedd Mercy University expects all members of the campus community to comply with federal, state and local laws. 旨在维护校园和谐和个人福利的政策和程序见学生手册, the Residence Life Handbook, the Faculty Handbook and the Employee Handbook on GMercyU’s portals.

In support of the mission of GMercyU, the University Community upholds the following standards of conduct:

  • Respect and equal treatment of all individuals
  • Social responsibility and Christian moral behavior
  • Respect for lawful authority

  • Available to all students, administration, faculty, staff, and visitors
  • Available 24 hours a day/seven days a week
  • A security officer will walk or drive individuals to and/or from cars, classes, residence halls or any other facility on campus
  • A Public Safety Officer will provide help when a vehicle is in need of a battery jump-start, or during inclement weather
  • In the event of a flat tire, disabled vehicle or keys locked in a car, at the request of the owner, Public Safety will contact 5 Points Automotive and Towing at 215-855-3592.

Public Safety offers students a complimentary shuttle service to and from the Gwynedd Valley Train Station, which services the SEPTA R5 line.

  • Shuttle pick-up and drop-off point on campus is the Campbell Hall Circle and or Siemens Parking lot.
  • In order to ride the shuttle, you will need to show your GMercyU ID card.
  • Due to inconsistencies with the weather, traffic or SEPTA changes, please contact the St. Brigid Security Desk at 215-641-5522 to request transportation to and from the train station or Siemens Parking Lot.

*Note: Please allow five to 10 minutes for a security officer to arrive. In the event of a security emergency, the escort and shuttle services may be delayed.

See all details on our Title IX page.

See the University Transportation Policy (PDF),以了解使用大学车辆及私人车辆作大学业务用途的要求及程序.

Faculty and Staff can use the Reservation Form 预订一辆大学面包车,或预先获得授权驾驶一辆大学车辆进行大学赞助的旅行.

Have questions? Please email

GMercyU Parking Information

The opportunity to have a car on campus is something we know is important to our community members. In the interest of safety and to ensure that we have sufficient parking for students, faculty, staff and visitors, we require that all community members abide by the rules outlined below.

Driving on Campus

任何社区成员在大学财产上驾驶必须是有驾照的司机,并有必要的责任保险. 学生还必须遵守所有地方和州交通法规,并必须遵守张贴的大学交通标志和停车政策. All vehicles driven on our campuses are subject to all local and state traffic laws. Students are fully responsible for the security and the contents of their vehicles.

Everyone is required to have a valid parking hang tag properly affixed to the vehicles rearview mirror, so it is clearly visible from the windshield. The hang tag can only be displayed on the vehicle to which the permit is registered. Any deviation from this policy may result in the permit being revoked.

See campus map here (PDF)

Lot A, next to Julia Ball Auditorium — Faculty & Staff parking only until 3:00 p.m. Monday- Friday. On Saturday and Sunday, this lot is open to all.

Lot B, next to Field House — signs note designated parking

Lot C and Lot D, the large lots located across from University Hall — open for Commuters, Visitors, Faculty & Staff. 设施房后面的停车场远端仅供学生运动员早晨训练时使用. Open parking after 5:00 p.m.

Lot E, between the Griffin Complex and University Hall — Faculty & Staff parking only

Lot F, across from the Griffin Complex — open parking for all

Lot H, behind Loyola Hall — parking only for Upper Class Residents, Public Safety, three 30-minute Student Unloading spots, and staff

Lot K- behind Admissions House – Staff and Visitors parking

Lot L, Circle in front of Assumption Hall — designated parking only

Lot M, next to Connelly Faculty Center — designated Parking only

Lot N, next to the Connelly Faculty Center and across from Maguire Hall – parking for Faculty & Staff and registered visitors only

Lot O, behind the Art Studio – parking for staff, students, and visitors

Lot P, Valie Genuardi大厅后面-这个地块的后排(最靠近锡耶纳大厅的树木线)仅为第一年的居民指定. The remaining portion of the lot is open to all.

Lot R, behind Maguire Hall – Faculty & Staff parking only

Residential students are not permitted to park in Lots C, D, and F prior to 5:00 p.m.

  • The campus speed limit is 15 mph.
  • Everyone must follow all traffic signs, and cannot park in fire lanes, grassy areas or on sidewalks.
  • 所有使用校园残疾人专用车位的个人都必须注册并出示大学许可证和国家颁发的残疾人标牌或车牌.
  • Construction continues on campus and for the safety of all our community members, please follow all traffic signs, cones, barricade equipment, and directions given by construction crews or Public Safety concerning construction areas.

The following is a list of citations that may be issued (but not limited to) by GMercyU Public Safety: 

  • Speeding (15 mph speed limit on campus) 
  • Disobeying stop signs
  • Parking in undesignated spaces (fire lanes, handicapped spaces or parking in the grass)
  • Parking without a permit
  • Parking in more than one space or in an unlined space

If a vehicle obtains three unpaid violations within the academic year, the vehicle will be subject to an immobilization boot.


A rate of $50 for Fire Zone and for $100 rate for Handicapped Infractions.

Payment and/or appeals are due within 5 business days of the date listed on the ticket. Payments of violations can be made with a check (made out to Gwynedd Mercy University), or cash at the Campbell Solution Center in Campbell Hall. Appeals can be made at the Public Safety office in St. Brigid Hall or by using this online Parking Citations Appeal form.

If a vehicle obtains three unpaid violations within the academic year, the vehicle will be subject to an immobilization boot.


During normal business hours, individuals must:

  1. Resolve all previous tickets for the vehicle to be released.
  2. The immobilization boot will be removed after a $30.00 boot fee is paid.

After hours, individuals must:

  1. Complete an “Immobilization Boot Release” form. The individual has until the next business day to resolve fines or vehicle may be rebooted and fees will accrue. 经过连续7天的固定启动和/或如果车辆对社区构成危险或已被遗弃, the vehicle may be towed.
GMercyU公共安全部门对车辆被固定造成的任何损失或损坏概不负责. 车辆的所有者对未经授权的移动或试图移动固定靴所造成的任何损害负责. Unauthorized removal of the immobilization boot may result in criminal charges.